The Mom & Me Journals dot Net
The definitive, eccentric journal of an unlikely caregiver, continued.

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7 minute Audio Introduction to The Mom & Me Journals [a bit dated, at the moment]

Thursday, November 20, 2008
She asked for another hour at 1230...
...her 12-hour-sleep-mark; all she has to do is ask, usually, unless she's been asleep for 14 hours and asks for another, and she gets it.
    Anyway, in the moments before I awaken her for the day I want to mention that we almost had another incredible pain episode but, this time, I caught it before the pain began. She had awakened from her nap and we'd walked her into the bathroom. At some point during the walk she dislodged her cannula. I'm usually watching her feet and hands, so I didn't notice. As soon as she was seated on the toilet I exited the bathroom, as I usually do, to secure paper underwear and a pad. When I returned, probably about a minute later, it was obvious she was in physical distress. She looked like she was in pain, although she said she wasn't, and was hunched waaaay over on the toilet. It didn't occur to me immediately to look at her nose but she heaved up, then back down, once, and then I noticed it: The cannula tubes were lodged aside and shooting O2 directly past her nose to the left. I corrected it immediately. Even though she swore, after several askings, that she wasn't in pain, it was taking her awhile to recover from the physical distress so I gave her 500 mg acetaminophen and some toast before dinner. She was fine within 15 minutes. It occurred to me, last night, that, since these episodes have begun, we've been using the same cannula. She's due for a change this week (typical Medicare regs; one cannula every two weeks unless one becomes clogged or damaged) and I ordered new ones but I notice the supply company guy didn't leave any today, so I'll need to go pick them up later this afternoon when I run errands. Anyway, every once in awhile we get a wonky cannula. Usually it's evident immediately, but it could be that this cannula is a bit less wonky that usual and is only displaying its construction problems when my mother wipes at her nose (with our without Kleenex). I've got a 1600 (with narrower tubes) that I put on her last night when this occurred to me. We didn't have any more dislodging episodes but that doesn't mean anything. However, at least, this one is staying put, which is good. If I can't get to the supply company before it closes, today (which is possible), this cannula will serve us well at least until tomorrow morning, I think.
    I've begun to note over at the The Dailies, starting a few days ago, I think, when Mom doesn't eat all the food I serve her at her meals. I've been in the habit, since this started a few weeks ago, of serving her a little less. She is continuing, though, to occasionally leave food on the plate. Last night she actually left some of her dessert on her plate. Seems like a good time to begin to take a casual every-meal-food-not-eaten inventory. This usually happens at dinner, although we've had one breakfast where she didn't eat everything.
    Mom's asked for hour is almost up. I'm hearing a reconnaissance cough as I write. Better mobilize. Last night was "Royals" night on PBS so we put off watching the American Girl movies. That's probably what we'll do today.
I think instead of noting what your mother DOESN'T consume, if you noted what your mom DOES eat instead, you'd have a better way to track a change in her appetite.

For instance. Today Mom ate half a piece of pie. But you might see she consumed 2 slices of bread as well. If you just note she left half a slice of pie, you won't have any way to see that number in context.

This is just the wonky side of me.
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